Thursday, December 31, 2015

Goodbye 2015...Hello 2016!

Happy New Year! Well, it has been an interesting one, for sure. Both of my podcasts are doing well enough. Terror Troop finished strong, despite the lack of effort on my part, and Found Footage files got a nice bump down the stretch from Gregory Burkart and the Blumhouse website. The future of each podcast will be decided over the next several weeks. Both will continue, but I very much doubt that they will both be weekly anymore. Terror Troop is my first born. My most personal and fun project. I labored furiously for 4 consecutive years without taking a break. It morphed and mutated from a horror movie podcast through various incarnations and lineups to become a one of a kind show with people participating from all over the world. I love Terror Troop. It is my expression to the world. I love all of the people I have met because of it over the years. Lately, my enthusiasm has waned a bit, but I am determined to make it something I can call a labor of love again. I must take the next little while here to determine how much time I am willing to spend on it so I can enjoy the whole process again. One thing that will not change is our coverage of things generally found off the beaten path. B-Movies, Monsters and Independent films. Those are the things we love on Terror Troop. We will never become a snarky, hipster movie review show. I firmly believe in actually enjoying stuff. I also don't anticipate any major personnel changes, but I will not be adding any more co-hosts. Stay tuned to see how it develops. Found Footage Files is my newer show. It started off a year and a half ago when Kelly Killbot and I first kicked around the idea and discovered (at that point, anyway) that there wasn't a podcast solely devoted to found footage films. Kelly departed after logging some of the best podcasts I've ever done, but because of listener enthusiasm, I kept the show rolling. A few months later, I was joined by my new friend Michael Steinberg of and we were included on an article on Blumhouse's website. That and the bump in our downloads really encouraged me. I can't emphasize enough how key the support of the listeners and the encouragement from Michael have been to keeping me going on that show. Thanks so much, everyone! Michael and I are continuing to develop the show to make it even more entertaining and interactive as we move forward. So all in all, it has been a great year. I almost hate to see it go, but am very optimistic about the future and all of the fun we are going to have together! Cheers! Boss

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